Scope Box Troubleshooting Steps

If you are having problems with your USTVnow channels using Scope box, please submit a ticket with answers to the following questions after following the 2 steps below:

1) Refreshing the app -  Please close the USTVNOW application by clicking the back button on Scope Remote or reboot the device by unplugging from the power source.

2) Log out and log in again on Scope device.

 If the problem persists, please take the following details so our techs can debug the app

     a) Serial ID    

     b) Username/Email

     c) MAC Address 

     d) Internet speed

     e) App Version ( you can find this on USTVNOW App settings * next to my recordings)

     f) Location details

     g) Record the issue if possible 


NOTE: If you don't have a Scope box yet, you can order one directly on Amazon. Please click here to view box information. 

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